Community Engagement

NEW1000 researchers have embarked on an extensive community engagement process to establish the research agenda for the study.

Half-day workshops and online surveys were used to prioritise health issues of importance to healthcare consumers including Aboriginal women from Newcastle and regional NSW, fathers, first-time parents, culturally and linguistically diverse women, and women from two of Australia's most respected community-driven advocacy organisations, Red Nose and Miracle Babies

The discussions at these workshops focussed on issues of importance in pregnancy health and also broader health issues facing Australia from preventable non-communicable disease.  

In addition to engaging with community members to establish the research priorities, we have also committed to ongoing engagement through the appointment of several Community Representatives who will work with our Study Executive as part of the NEW1000 governance.

This group, led by the Founder of Miracle Babies Melinda Cruz, will attend the quarterly Executive meetings to ensure we have community representation at the highest level of the study. Our Community Reference Group members include Melinda Cruz, Sarah Longes, Samantha Hoskins, and Ashley Clarke.